"The Trade" is a darkly comic cradle-to-grave roller-coaster of your entire life. A surreal journey from before your birth, through the temptations and dangers of your life, and beyond your own death.

Discover pleasure, love, pain, guilt and betrayal. Mess around, run away, hide out, suffer under, heal up, sell off, struggle through, knuckle down, tip over, cave in, dance on! Exploit your power, peddle your guilt, bust your body, embrace your decline, swallow your pills, lose your mind, dream your dreams and fly! 


WIN V1 31 MB
MAC V1 36 MB


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I held down that enter key for 40 minutes because I felt so committed, so I'd like to believe that I have the world record for this. 

(1 edit)

Free this game from imperialist pigs by uploading a version for me to play, please *.*

Played the web-gl.
Where can I donate?

The loading takes a bit of time but once you pass that it is an absolutely phenomenal, riveting experience that makes you contemplate the meaning of your life!

Holy shit, that was amazing! I would never wait for the end of the loading if there wasn't your comment. Thank you!